What is Sattva? An Explanation Plus a Practical Guide To Get You Started
Philosophy, especially the ancient principle of sattva, is not for the retired or the lazy—it’s a framework for us all to apply in real life. Sattva is purity, balance, goodness, and light. It teaches us how to think and act, how to treat others and ourselves, how to work, and how to become better versions of ourselves.
“‘Fools alone say that work and philosophy are different, not the learned.’ The learned know that they lead to the same goal of human perfection,” said Swami Vivekananda
Sattva empowers us with the knowledge that helps us break the shackles of misery. It puts us, not our emotions or circumstances, in control of our lives.
If you want to know how to start on this path, download a free guide in which you get:
* An explanation of the three gunans: sattva, rajas, and tamas.
* 15 practical pieces of wisdom from Swami Vivekananda and other Indian philosophers on how to live better.
* A deeper understanding of the metaphysical functioning of our body, and a simple meditation practice that gives you control over your thoughts and actions.

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What Is The Daily Sāttvik?
The Daily Sāttvik shares wisdom from Indian sages and philosophers to help you overcome your challenges, uplift yourself, and improve the quality of your life. Each weekday, we will share a quote from a sage like the firebrand Swami Vivekananda, the philosopher J. Krishnamurti who declined the title World Teacher, and the freedom-fighter-turned-spiritual-guru Sri Aurobindo, along with a short, simple, practical meditation on how you can apply the principle to your daily life.
These lessons will guide you to develop resilience and self-belief, become a better version of yourself, and be self-reliant in a world hell-bent on making decisions for you. They’re an attempt to help you embark on a voyage of self-development with the wise as your shepherd (who will eventually turn you from a sheep into a lion).
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