“Give to the weak, for there all the gift is needed. If the Brahmin is born clever, he can educate himself without help. If the others are not born clever, let them have all the teaching and teachers they want. This is justice and reason as I understand it.”
— Swami Vivekananda
People often clamor that the ultra-rich and powerful don’t do enough for the rest. Ask such people why they themselves don’t do more, and they say, “I don’t have enough.”
But do you need millions in your bank account or own a conglomerate to make a difference? No. You just need the abundance mindset—the knowledge that you have more than you need.
Rather than arguing about an issue on social media, donate a tiny portion of your earning to a cause that’s working on it. If something you can afford but don’t really need is available for cheap or free, leave it for someone else who truly needs it. If you can do nothing else, just drop a kind word for someone.
The person who has more can do more. And you have more than 75 percent of the world’s population. Do what YOU can to bring a balance in this world.